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Re: [List] FPS Beta/Alpha build section!

Postby WhiteMagicRaven » Mon Jan 14, 2013 3:52 pm

So someone has it a Hexen II Pre-Alpha?
I have only found these references not more =(
HeXen II: Pre-Alpha ... q_1-7.html
An illegal pre-alpha was leaked. It is recommended you erase it from your HD if you have it in your possession. If you downloaded it from the Internet then most likely there are traces of your IP all over the place. This version is nothing compared to even the first demo. Hexen II is MUCH better. Also, if you happen to discuss the pre-alpha on message boards or IRC channels you'll be flamed and banned. Raven Software provides absolutely NO support if you happen to run into any kind of bugs or problems.,5274.0.html
Malchik -Hexen 2 leaked pre-alpha build (can't find),5274.15.html
Cheapy No one can find that. Word of it and distribution of it were rather quickly supressed in 1998.

コービン And yes, I have that alpha/beta of Hexen II.

gila please upload that alpha/beta of hexen II somewhere!

tom101 More importantly does anyone know anything about a Hexen 2 pre-alpha build. It has been definitely leaked to the public in the late 1990s and was floating about on the internet, but I have never seen it. Can someone help, or is it lost forever????

Narfous I just read a bit more about the Hexen II leak. It dates before Jul 26 97 and was split into 1.44mb ARJ files.

Can't seem to track it down still. Image
Malchik. If anyone has the Hexen 2 pre-alpha build mail me.
With Hexen II, the game was leaked during a press meeting at an Australian distributor's office.
Cheapy There is a Hexen II Alpha leaked out there somewhere, though according to this H2 faq I shouldn't talk about it at all, because flames are imminent. That was 1998, is it still a big deal now?

Spewy Hey, what about the special "Hexen Tomb" version of Hexen 2?

Cheapy I've heard about some Hexen 2 Alpha leak, but according to the Hexen 2 Faq (updated sometime in 1998), i'll get flamed and finger-waved to bits if I even merely mention it.

The leak is dated around Dec 1996, rumors used to say that CGW did it. ... on-piracy/
Another article about Hollenshead is here, including the amazing account of a journalist actually making an illegal copy of Hexen 2 to pirate it at a press event! ... ks-piracy/
A journalist once made a copy of Hexen II while he was being shown a prerelease copy of the game. ... ve-2466700
Enemy characters already seen lurking about the pre-alpha version of the game include evil archers, slippery spiders, scorpions, fireball-casting skeletal mages, translucent fallen angels, and one of the Four Horsemen, mounted on a rearing steed and armed with a terrific supply of throwing axes.
Malchik How many different kinds of betas do you have on your account Cheap. Mabe I'm missing some. I'd kill for the HExen 2 pre-alpha leak.
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