Moderator: LW Moderator
This promotion is only for the Southeastern Asia (SEA) region. Here is the fix if you are on the computer:
1. Download SoftEther VPN Client Gate (it's a great VPN from Japan and free)
2. After installing, open SoftEther VPN Client Manager.
3. Select VPN Gate Public VPN Relay Servers.
4. Click Region to sort them in alphabetical order and find Malaysia. Find the one with the least amount of sessions and double click it. In the next dialog box, click agree, and ok (do not change anything). Wait for a moment until you are connected.
5. Once you're connected, you might need to clear your cookies for the Ubisoft store. I used the chrome extension Edit This Cookie.
6. Go to the link for the game, if the store's language is in Chinese, you're doing fine. Click the button that says "在 02 / 10 前免費取得".
7. Open UPlay and bind the game to your account.
8. Done.
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