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4shared Premium payment difficulties

Postby skwatter » Tue Jan 26, 2021 8:46 am

Hello everybody. I'm curious if anybody has been able to purchase a premium membership on the site 4shared. the site 4shared seems to be the site that most of our users and fellow members post all of their game uploads for download. I have not purchased a premium 4shared membership myself in several years and it seems that there isn't any option to pay by credit card or by PayPal on any of the authorized resellers I found on the 4 shared website. I am curious to see if any of our fellow members have had any luck purchasing 4shared premium accounts and what payment options they chose. I live in Canada so it seems that there are fewer payment options available for me. Thanks very much for your time!
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Re: 4shared Premium payment difficulties

Postby roioros » Tue Jan 26, 2021 1:49 pm


If you click on the button where says "Visa", it takes you to a page where you can pay with a credit card.
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Re: 4shared Premium payment difficulties

Postby skwatter » Tue Jan 26, 2021 10:33 pm

Hi, Roioros...
Thanks for the quick reply. On 4shared there are 4 different resellers that can sell me premium membership. I have a membership with and I am trying to figure out how to pay using PayPal or my credit card. I wonder if you and I are speaking of the same reseller or maybe if you were speaking of the 4shared website itself as it seems to indicate that you can purchase premium membership on the 4shared website itself but I have not seen any links or anything that would take me to such a place to pay. Right now I'm on and am attempting to purchase a one month subscription. the options that I am able to see on the site are pay by Western Union, pay by iDEAL, or pay by bank wire transfer (3 day processing time). There is also bancontact, pay with bitcoin, bitpay, webmoney WME in euros only and paySera. The last option is "debit my prepaid account" which I can't figure out for the life of me and still does not give me any kind of option to pay with PayPal or my visa. Am I able to upload pictures to these forms?
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Re: 4shared Premium payment difficulties

Postby skwatter » Tue Jan 26, 2021 10:39 pm

The other 3 authorized resellers are much the same in terms of layout. Everything seems to be in euro currency and the only available payment options seem to be either Bitcoin or money order or other services that I've never even heard of. I have seen a few graphics on the site that claim they accept visa and PayPal but they are non-interactive and I think they're just there for show. Am I able to purchase a 4shared membership directly on the 4shared website?
Thanks for your help.
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Re: 4shared Premium payment difficulties

Postby Scaryfun » Tue Jan 26, 2021 11:53 pm

From this list -
There's a couple in Canada that accept paypal -

And yes, you can post pictures on the forum.
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Re: 4shared Premium payment difficulties

Postby roioros » Wed Jan 27, 2021 12:23 am

Yes, of course, you can purchase a 4shared membership directly on the 4shared website.

Look here:

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Re: 4shared Premium payment difficulties

Postby skwatter » Wed Jan 27, 2021 1:33 am

Hi, thanks scary fun; I saw those 2 resellers and I saw that it said that they accepted PayPal but I still was not able to find that option on their site when I was going to actually purchase the subscription. I’ll upload screenshots of all the sites that I went to that I’m having trouble with.

Roioros, I’m very surprised at your screenshots! I have never seen that layout on the site and I haven’t seen those visa options. Here is a screenshot of what I see when I try to purchase off of 4shared directly.

I'll post some screenshots of the resellers pages as well.

Thanks for the help.
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Re: 4shared Premium payment difficulties

Postby skwatter » Wed Jan 27, 2021 1:40 am

Here are my payment options for 24instant, one of the resellers:
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Re: 4shared Premium payment difficulties

Postby skwatter » Wed Jan 27, 2021 2:01 am

This is for, one of the resellers that claims to accept PayPal. There is no option to select PayPal on the checkout page and attempting to select the visa option gives an unexplained error. I have an account with all these sites (personal information contained in the screenshots has been redacted) and have not come across the option to add or save a credit card on any of them.
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Re: 4shared Premium payment difficulties

Postby skwatter » Wed Jan 27, 2021 2:09 am

And finally, premiuminstant. This site is much the same as I have an account with them, there is no option for PayPal, the visa option ends up in an unexplained error. strange. Why can't I get the VISA option on 4shared natively??

Thanks for the help.
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Re: 4shared Premium payment difficulties

Postby roioros » Wed Jan 27, 2021 9:15 am

Yes, it is strange that the option to choose VISA on 4shared natively don't appear to you.

Did you try using another browser? Maybe, depending on the country, that option appears or not.
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Re: 4shared Premium payment difficulties

Postby skwatter » Wed Jan 27, 2021 11:19 am

Thanks for the reply.
I am using chrome and I am in Canada.
Would my location or VPN have anything to do with what is happening?
I have authenticated accounts with 4shared have successfully purchased premium memberships in the past.

Thanks again!!
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Re: 4shared Premium payment difficulties

Postby Molitor » Wed Jan 27, 2021 12:47 pm

I think it ultimately comes down to their payment processor - some processors will not support all currencies nor all countries.
I currently do have the option of using Visa from my country, but the page won't display that option if you connect from the US. (It won't from the UK either)
That their payment processor is not available in North America is indeed weird.
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Re: 4shared Premium payment difficulties

Postby skwatter » Wed Jan 27, 2021 6:52 pm

Thanks for the help! I have tried a different browser, Internet Explorer. Same result, no visa or PayPal options. I guess I just might be hooped on this one unless I try a VPN program. I have tried to change my country of origin on 4shared but that does nothing. Strange. I guess I'll try contacting 4shared's own customer support. I'm at the end of the rope here. Again, thanks for the help!!
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Re: 4shared Premium payment difficulties

Postby skwatter » Thu Jan 28, 2021 6:24 am

Hi, everyone. I got in touch with 4shared customer support and they gave me a link to their PayPal.
The link is -
Just in case anybody else suffers from the same issue I did. they said that it was a temporary problem.
I emailed them asking for the cost of the different tiers to be absolutely certain. I'll post them once I receive the email.

Thanks very much for all your assistance!
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