Wrath of Darkness Rainer Deyke 1998

In this freeware action/role-playing game, your apprenticeship finally is over. You are now officially a sorceress. As you walk along the underground passages that lead to your home village, you reflect with pride upon your accomplishment. Suddenly you stop. Something is wrong, your sixth sense tells you. You hold still, listening for any sign of danger. You hear nothing. Then it strikes you: that is exactly what's wrong. This close to the village, the air should be filled with the sounds of life. Instead, there is only a horrible silence. Quickly you run for the entrance to the village. You step through the final tunnel. Before you lie the empty streets of your home village. Has it been abandoned? Why? Or did something worse happen? Surely there must be some clue somewhere. You stifle the impulse to run away and set out to explore the village. This action role-playing game is played in first point perspective. It is the story of one dark elven sorceress' quest for revenge. It was re-released in 2000 with a better rendering engine and various bug fixes.
Free Game v2.0 733kb (uploaded by Official Site)

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