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Trespasser: The Lost World... lost scene?

Postby Jace DeVeillan » Fri Apr 01, 2005 9:47 am

Umm, okay. I download the files and install the files for Trespasser (1998) and it tells me "Scene File Invalid" with some authority when I click "New game".

I'm not entirely sure how to go about getting around this predicament.

Any suggestions?

Note: I am running this on a Windows 98 machine. It looks like my computer randomly decided to revert to an older registry backup (like they do), so it's possible that this is just a situation where some vital software (direct x, etc.) may have been 'misplaced'. I'll probably reformat my system in the morning, but if anyone else has time to check this out, I'd appreciate it. I used the second mirrors available for download from the Yahoo! Briefcases.
Jace DeVeillan
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