Index ⇒ Site Suggestions ⇒ Support for BBCode spoiler tags?

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Support for BBCode spoiler tags?

Postby guardsman » Fri Aug 10, 2012 8:48 am

Hi. Can we have support in this forum for BBCode [spoiler][/spoiler] tags? It would be useful for temporarily hiding information in a thread message from the reader until the reader clicks on the tag's "show" button. It would be particularily useful in the Fun & Jokes section for hiding punchlines of jokes.

In the forum's that I've joined which support such tags, using [spoiler] text [/spoiler] yields a hidden field with a "Show" button next to the field. When the user clicks on the "Show" button, the hidden text is then revealed. Jokes would have more of an impact if the punchline was hidden (It may remove the temptation of skipping over the text of a long joke in order to reach the punchline). Thanks.
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