freakboy wrote:Doomed_Space_Marine wrote:Rage and Doom 4 are being made by id while Wolfenstein was made by Raven. Of course, you know still id's games are always going to be well produced with solid enough gameplay, but the emphasis is always on the tech with little or no innovations in the play.
I haven't bothered looking at Wolfenstein yet because I know they (Raven) would take no risks . . bullet-time {yawns}
Yeah, but lets not forget Doom3 which was developed by ID and this game sucks major balls. Nothing comes out good from ID & friends anymore.
ok I just finished the game and here is my mini review.
*the introduction of rpg elements, it tried to be like Bioshock, but I dont think that is needed. All they had to do is to upgrade RTCW graphics and introduce a new storyline. Now we wont see a new Wolf untill 2020 or at all.
ME: this RPG/Upgrade thing is old news, and over used. It would be just as easy to have you find better weapons, which is an even older idea, but more realistic.
*fu c ked up FOV
*no console commands support
*crappy weapons
ME: well they're kind of stuck there anyway because it's a WW2 based shooter. Most of the weapons are bound to be old ones we've seen before a million times.
*messed up sprint headbob which makes me motion sick a little, my eyes get tired
ME: that is kind of annoying, but more realistic I suppose. An even bigger problem is that you can't shoot while running.
*crappy console style levels
ME: yeah, an obvious console game.
*the music which is worse than in RTCW
*crappy sound design
ME: I hadn't even noticed the sound scheme, I don't know whether that's good or bad...
*cheesy dialogs
*flat boring gameplay
ME: I've seen worse...
*encrypted game archives
*veil sucks
ME: I kinda like the whole 'Veil' thing, but it's been done before...
*I'm not a graphics whore, but this game has graphics of 2001 with 2 new shaders.
*compass - without it I would probably waste even more time on this shit
*nazi grunts animations
*not many bugs
6/10 And I havent even tried MP yet. Raven employes should be fired.