Im new here but I just wanted to add my comment I been playing allot of console FPS games lately through emulators, as well as very early FPS and maze games that came out thoughout the 1980's. Again through emulators. The reason for this was to make a you tube video showing the entire history of the FPS genre. As you can imagine, its not so easy to get many games to work, let alone the emulators to run them.
So basically it would be nice to see roms or links to roms posted, but first of all a good list of decent emulators that actually work, and dont take a NASA scientist to operate.
FPS games have had a long history on the consoles, and it certainly didnt kick off with doom ports or goldeneye, there are some good 3DO FPS games. Also some interesting ones for the Genesis. Also if you are going to do consoles, maybe also consider the Amiga FPS's?
Have a look at me vids starting with Vol 1 1974-1991
Critisim welcome, infact please point out my mistakes