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Serious Sam Engine open-sourced

Postby Steve » Sat Mar 12, 2016 1:10 am


When it rains, it pours. The game engine that powered the games "Serious Sam: The First Encounter" & "Serious Sam: The Second Encounter" (otherwise referred to by the developers as Serious Engine v1.10) has now been open-sourced in celebration of Serious Sam's 15th birthday (time flies when you're having fun). Here's your chance to take a peek under the hood at what powered what many considered as a spiritual successor of the run-and-gun FPS gameplay that made Doom I & II so popular. Enjoy.


GitHub repository for the Serious Engine source code
The announcement from Croteam that they have open sourced the Serious Engine
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Re: Serious Sam Engine open-sourced

Postby user43687 » Tue Apr 19, 2016 11:51 am

Wow! This you can compile in Visual Studio! It's one of the best engines out there, very capable of handling many stuff while being optimized for performance.

And Serious Sam is one of the best shooters ever.
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