Sword of Moonlight FromSoftware, Inc. 2000

This rpg is named after the recurrent most powerful weapon in the King's Field Playstation series and is primarily an editing tool that allows players to create and customize 3D first-person dungeon-crawling role-playing games in the vein of King's Field games. Players can create their own maps by selecting any of the 1024 available prefabricated tiles, rotating them, and placing them in various combinations. It is also possible to place objects and enemies in the ensuing dungeon map, as well as customize any parameters such as the player character's and enemies' attributes, efficiency of weapons and healing potions, music tracks playing at particular locations, etc. As a pre-made scenario, the game includes a remake of the first King's Field (on Playstation in 1994) done with the editor. The remake features higher-resolution graphics and several changes, such as much less menacing default enemies and a few different object or enemy placements. Otherwise, it stays faithful to the original version, up to the point of having deliberately slow movement of the main character without an option to run. Influenced by Ultima Underworld rather than by Japanese RPGs, King's Field games are notable for their exploration-based gameplay and a considerable degree of difficulty. The player character traverses predominantly hostile areas, with only a few places populated by friendly NPCs. Areas in the games are interconnected, and in later installments resemble an open world setting. The player character can attack with various weapons and cast magic spells. Weapons and magic proficiency increase when used repeatedly. Other recurrent features include weapon and armor degradation and the option to kill any NPC in the game. Some of the series' characteristics have been carried over to other RPGs by FromSoftware, such as Demon's Souls and Dark Souls series. Later, John Osborne created an English translation and where necessary, voice overs have been added to the videos within the game to provide translation there as well. The game covers 5 levels of the Royal Graveyard, offering up classic King's Field interaction with a variety of enemies and NPCs, and a good amount of items to collect and magic to master.
Free Game & King's Field english translation + Edit Tools 188+21+5MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)
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King's Field / Sword Of Moonlight - Full Demo Install + Tools + Translation Patch v1.2 384MB / 214MB (uploaded by Delacroix)
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