Ghouls And Ghosts Capcom / Amuso Raffaele 2006

Ghouls and Ghosts is a fan-made remake of three games: Ghosts 'n Goblins (which had a 1987 DOS version) and its sequels which never had PC releases - Ghouls 'n Ghosts (originally a 1988 arcade game), and Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts (originally a 1991 SNES game). This remake was done for the Retro Remakes 2006 competition and was made with the allegro library and MinGW. Ghouls 'n Ghosts had three years pass since Arthur defeated the Demon King Astaroth and rescued his beloved Princess Prin-Prin. A new villain, the Great Demon King Lucifer (Loki in some versions) has become the new leader of Ghoul Realm. Arthur must venture back to the Lucifer's palace and destroy the demon in order to rescue the Princess' soul and bring her back to life! During your quest to rescue her, you will face skeletons, demons, vultures, poisonous flowers, demons, flaming werewolves, and of course, ghosts and goblins. At the beginning of the game, you are armed with a sword to fight off these hellish creatures. As you run, jump, and kill monsters, you will find other weapons such as an axe, a super sword, fire water, a discus, and a dagger. Also, you can upgrade your armor several notches. While wearing the magic armor, the weapon currently in your possession will become capable of performing magic. It moves primarily from left to right. The five stages of play will take you to a place of execution, a decaying village, a monstrous mountain, a forest made of crystal, and a town that is on fire. At the end of each level, you must pass through a gateway; each gateway is guarded buy an evil gatekeeper. The final stage takes place in the Castle of Evil Demons. Here you will face a giant bee and King Loki himself! Super Ghouls 'N Ghosts a further 4 years after, a wonderful celebration is about to take place! Arthur and the Princess are engaged, and the wedding is to take place at last when she is suddenly snatched away by a huge demon. As you run, jump, battle and climb your way through the game, you will find in your pathway daggers, crossbows, scythes, torches, axes and tri-blades. When you gain a new weapon, you will forfeit your old one. Special weapons of enchantment, such as magic versions of the standard weapons, will appear only when you are wearing the bronze or golden armor, both of which can be found at various points in the game. The golden armor will also let you perform seven different magic spells that can do such things as expose hidden treasure, summon a fire dragon and disintegrate all onscreen enemies. As you would expect, the setting for this game is combination of fantasy and horror. Among other terror-filled levels, you'll travel through a haunted graveyard, scale the icy walls of a palace, brave a fierce blizzard, traverse a fearsome forest and journey through a rotting sea. At the end of each quest, you must destroy a boss character called a Foul Guardian. A plethora of obstacles, creatures and treasures lie between you and the Throne Room, a place where only the power of Guinevere's enchanted bracelet can destroy Sardius.
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