Flipper The Flipper Group, Brainstorm / Brilliant Interactive Ideas 1998

Join Flipper and his pal Sandy in an exciting and educational adventure. Watch their friendship develop and then help to save Flipper and other ocean animals from danger. Throughout the world, dolphins continue to be among the most photographed and studied animals on the planet. In Flipper's case, he's even the star of a television show, motion picture, and now this educational CD-ROM storybook. Of course, this unique ocean mammal isn't the only subject children should expect to learn about in this game. They'll also be introduced to basic ideas of environmental awarness while developing essential skills. Enjoy actual footage from the movie "Flipper" as you and your child experience this magical heart warming story. Story pages lead to exciting discoveries about the environment and how it works. Create your very own "Flipper" coloring book by printing out character pages. Participate in skill building activities: games of concentration, matching games, and picture puzzles. Skills list that kids learn: Reading comprehension, Vocabulary, Listening, Classification skills, Spatial awareness, Memory skills, Matching skills.
ISO Demo 462MB (uploaded by Egon68)

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