Reflections Broken Window Studios 2015

Early Access Release This is a real-world adventure game where every action you take has meaningful consequences that radically shape the experience. The game takes a new approach to story, where everything you do can be woven into a narrative that drastically changes, thanks to our Storyteller engine. Each action you take is punctuated by flushing the black and white environment with color, illustrating your progress and providing clues to what your future might hold. You create the story - The powerful Storyteller engine watches everything you do and changes the experience to suit. Three Acts - Experience various moments in your life which differ radically based on what you choose to do. Dynamic progression - time passes as you play, changing the opportunites and events that unfold. Full environment interactivity - If you want to do it, you probably can. Reflections isn't about sitting and watching. Everything has its use. AI that responds to you - Multiple characters and creatures to build relationships with, relationships that may last your whole life. Beautiful environments - stark black and white environments that slowly get filled with color by your actions. Fully supports the Oculus Rift.
Download: None currently available

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