Neverwinter Nights: The HeX Coda Stefan Gagne 2005

A Scifi/Fantasy Adventure that was to be a premium module before being cancelled. Modern civilization is one of prosperity and safety, with all magic legally controlled by a monolithic business called the Cathedral Corporation. As part of the underground magic movement known as the Hex Coders, every day is a race to develop new arcane technologies and evade persecution by the Cathedral. That alone would be trouble enough, but add the sins of an ancient civilization rising in the present day and you've got more than your fair share of problems. Can you lead the team through this interlocking puzzle across time and space, and avoid getting twenty to life for unauthorized use of magic..? It won module of the year awards. The HeX coda 02 was a continuation that was not totally completed. Half the game is here in playable form, and a detailed story synopsis with dialogue and plot notes is included so you can enjoy the remainder of the twists and secrets of the series. The HeX coda MM: card battle arena This is an OPTIONAL side story in the HeX coda series which takes place between HX1 and HX2. It introduces Melee Maidens (a card battle minigame) and features rare cards not available anywhere else in the series, as well as online multiplayer PvP card battles.
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