Inventioneers Filimundus 2015

In this game you can create your own crazy, fun inventions. With the help of the Inventioneers, our tiny helpers with unique characteristics, you can invent fun, creative and often quite weird inventions. A lot of inventions are included in the game, the more you solve the more parts you receive for your own inventions. Learn About Physics. It's an outstanding tool for learning about realtime physics and the science behind different features like air, fire, magnetism and jumping bunnies. What you can do with the tool is virtually endless. Invite friends to share their crazy inventions and you can share yours too. Help pirates in the tropics and launch rockets in the backyard chapter. The night inventions will have you zapping laser trough a maze of mirrors to ignite bombs. Help penguins in the winter and teleport potions in the fairy tale chapter. It has 8 chapters with a total of 112 inventions. If that isn't enough you can create your own inventions and share them with your friends. Create a fully working tool to create your own inventions. Share up to 16 inventions with your friends; 100+ objects; 18 characters that you can help; 8 Inventioneers with unique features - Windy, Blaze, Sporty, Zappy, Bunny, Magneta, Freezy and Maggie.
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