Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus: The CD-ROM Game Mattel 1999

Are you a man? Are you a woman? Either way, you can attempt to learn more about your opposite sex in this game based on the book by author John Gray. The game is a series of quizzes, proctored by animated hosts, that test players' knowledge of how men and women think and behave. In single-player games, a player challenges the computer and is scored based on answers from the book. The quizzes are multiple choice with four possible answers. Each question is presented in one of three formats: text on a card, video clip, or an audio clip on a simulated answering machine. Players must choose to take the quiz for either "Mars" (men) or "Venus" (women). There are ten questions in each quiz and a total of eight quizzes for each sex. It offers two multiplayer variations. In online play mode, a network or Internet connection is used to compete against up to seven opponents. Here, one player is put in isolation and asked a question; after an answer has been posited, other players try to guess the response, scoring one point for each team member who guesses correctly. Online play features a chat option, for both team members and opponents, that's timed to keep the game moving. In party mode, two teams compete on one computer. While one team answers a question, the other team must look away. Then, the second team must guess the first team's answer. Gameplay is similar to the online mode but each team only gets one guess. No matter which mode of play is chosen, players must create a representative character and profile. Online players can look at this profile at any time during an online game.
Clone ISO Demo 712MB (uploaded by Egon68)

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