Naughty Stories: Doris the Dotty Dog & Clarence the Clumsy Cat Sherston Software 1996

Naughty but nice - talking stories that are full of fun. These fun-packed stories are perfect to use as extension readers to your school's existing reading scheme and are ideal to use at home too. The CD version has additional functions, including the logging of problem words, the ability to listen to individual words and an auto-play function for younger children. It's an easy to use software package designed to assist children aged 5 to 8 in developing skills in reading and listening. Short and entertaining stories are presented, featuring colourful, lively animated images. Each story features large print, and the user has the option of selecting an accompanying voice that reads along with the text, highlighting each word in turn. The user is presented with a contents page which displays a picture representing each story. The user then clicks on a picture and the title of the story will appear on the bottom of the screen. Interactive individual words can be clicked on to check pronunciation, and a log of these words may be kept, for the teacher's, parent's or child's future reference. On each page there are three main icons in the form of directional arrows, an ear that produces the voice and an eye that animates the image on screen. These interactive buttons allow the user to read at his/her own pace, explore and discover words and study the animated pictures in detail. You can easily adjust the program's volume and turn audio and sound effects on or off as required. The program's engaging stories, along with the colourful interactive illustrations, would appeal to both the most fluent reader and those who have difficulties with reading.
ISO Demo 98MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)

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