Creatures 3 Creature Labs Ltd. / Mindscape Inc. 1999

This third in the series takes a detour from the first two games. It takes place on the spaceship that the Shee had used to flee Albia. The ship was divided into many carefully controlled environments (Norn Terrarium, Jungle Terrarium, Desert Terrarium, Marine Terrarium). It's much more technologically focused, including many agents which could be connected in various ways to perform tasks. Still, the goal is to experiment with the three principal species and create a living world out of an empty ship. It includes a "new social element", by which norns could remember relationships they've formed with other creatures better. Docking Station, an Internet-based add-on to Creatures 3, was released free of charge on the Creatures web site on March 27, 2001. It was intended as a way to sell Creatures 3 (you could dock the worlds of the two games together, hence the name "Docking" Station) and extra packs of Norn breeds. Docking Station has an intermittent reminder screen that encourages users to buy Creatures 3. Docking Station added the possibility of interaction between individual player worlds; Norns could 'travel' to other online worlds via a central server, players could chat to other online players, and it was possible to track Norns (and their offspring) that had been present in their worlds via the Docking Station website. While Docking Station was released late in the series' run, it changed gameplay (and the potential of the series) dramatically. It also expanded considerably on the game mythos, including the introduction of an 'anti-Shee', the Banshee (a Grendel/Shee hybrid).
Clone ISO Demo 150MB (uploaded by Egon68)
Docking Station - Free Download + Patches (uploaded by

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