Spookington's Parody Games! Spookingtons 2011

Appearing intermittently on 1up.com through 2011, this parody series took a selection of gaming’s triple-A blockbusters and re-imagined them as Lucasarts-style adventure games. The resulting mini-games received praise from representatives of such notable developers as Irrational Games (“Bioshock”) and Bethesda Softworks (“Elder Scrolls” series), and were lauded by the gaming audiences that played them. Over time, the basic game engine saw a few tweaks, resulting in later entries being slightly more-sophisticated than earlier ones. This explains the minor control differences between episodes, as well as the reason two of the episodes below have no sound. Note also that the “Bioshock” parody functioned as the pilot, and as such features significantly-different formatting than the rest of the series (which were designed to fit within a 600-pixel-wide blog frame, per 1up’s guidelines. It’s worth mentioning that I much the original dimensions were much preferred). Tiles include: “ARRRRRGMENTED” - parody of Deus Ex: Human Revolution; “A Halo a Thing” - parody of Halo; “Bit O’ Hazard” - parody of Resident Evil 2; “Last Dance in Cyrodiil” - parody of Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion; “Prairie Dogging” - parody of Bioshock.
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