Rock, The Paper & The Scissors, The Zi / Toasty Games 2015

This game is a Western rhythm game prototype of Rhythm Ranger made in 3 days for the Ludum Dare 32 game jam. You are Lefty the bounty hunter. You are Lefty the bounty hunter. Use your incredible abilities and sense of timing to take on baddies in an epic showdown of rock-paper-scissors. The development team behind this game (Toasty Games) disappeared sometime in 2016, thus making the proposed full game cancelled, with only this prototype existing. Each bandit has a different play style, but they all play according to the rules of the West: When your points are gone, you DIE. You must follow the music. Watch out. Bandits can use either hand, and some can even regenerate their points with a bandit shout. An "attack" happens when your hand and one of your opponent's hands are facing each other. Rock beats scissors. Scissors beat paper. Paper beats rock. If you win, your opponent loses a point. If you lose, you lose a point. Whoever loses all their points first is instantly vaporized.
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