Atomica Deluxe PopCap Games Inc. 2002

This is a tile-matching puzzle game where players need to form molecules by moving atoms around the grid. The most straightforward molecule is a square form of four atoms of the same colour, but more complex patterns using different colours are also possible. The game can be played turn-based, with new atoms appearing after every move, or real-time where the game progresses regardless of the player's actions. For each of these modes, there is also an expert version with many more colours. To progress through the levels, players need to form a certain amount of molecules before empty space on the grid is taken up entirely. For each group, a molecule meter near the top of the screen is filled, showing the level progress. Atoms are moved around using the mouse and can be placed anywhere on the grid, as long as there is a direct route possible without other atoms blocking the path. Points are awarded for each molecule formed, causing it to disappear from the grid. New atoms that appear on the grid are hinted at with a faded, coloured symbol, which can be incorporated in the strategy. By forming combos, a geiger meter is filled. Multiple combos trigger a super combo and the different combos charge up an atomic bomb that can be used to blow up random atoms on the grid. When enough molecules are formed, the player is offered to form a more complex, bonus molecule using more advanced shapes and different colours. Upon completing it, a bonus atom is provided on the grid. It can be moved around to form a group (opening the option to get a more powerful bonus atom) or it can be double clicked to trigger it. For instance, the level 1 fire bonus atom will clear nine squares on the grid, but an advanced one will destroy more. There are also time-limited biohazard atoms that need to be disposed off quickly before they start replicating. The game includes a high score list and saves the level progress.
Full Demo 3.2MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)
included in Popcap Game Collection - Full Demo 874MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)

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