Antrophos: The Origin [Sp] Snake & Eagle Studios / Play Ten Interactive, Russobit-M 2003

He could become perfection. An ideal fighting machine, designed for only one purpose - the destruction of all life. But providence intervened, and the warrior rebelled against the creators... Now the Xin-Ying Empire, the most powerful galactic state, is about to correct its mistake - to neutralize the rebel, codenamed ADN 5869. And a cyborg with a human soul has no choice but to fight, saving his life and the lives of the victims of a monstrous genetic experiment. Who we are, Where we come from, We are part of them, or they are part of us. You are DNA-5869, a Kratorian soldier genetically designed by superior beings only to fight and not think, but you have begun to awaken your consciousness and question your origin. Test your courage and skills as a soldier to the lords of Sinyin fighting against aliens and giant arachnid robots, while discovering little by little along with DNA, the truth about your origin, the origin of the human being. Features: Dynamic combat action in the style of "anime"; Addictive furious gameplay; Unique interactive comics; The sound from the real Chukchi punks - the Zero Position group.
Russian ISO Demo + Modified exe for Win10 316+13MB (uploaded by Terje_P)
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