Feet In The Snow Abstract Machine 2023

You keep having this strange dream, why don't you talk about it? Maybe you can make sense of what it all means... It's a surreal point and click horror adventure in which you find yourself lost in a strange snowy landscape. You are retelling a dream to a mysterious stranger. You are walking along a path in a snowy forest. You find a blood rat scarf and a creepy photo of yourself, but then you come across a fork in the path and things get really intriguing. The passage takes about 20 minutes and impresses with excellent pixel art environments and an unsettling surreal atmosphere. There are a few puzzles to solve here, but mostly it's a journey with strange characters and lots of body parts. You are a stranger in foreign lands, and you have a nagging feeling that you have chosen the wrong path...
Free Game 127MB (uploaded by Itch.io)

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