Mecanoid 97 Sybex 1997

A rare arkanoid from French developers on a space theme. It is an excellent example of how a seemingly hackneyed and well-known idea can once again be put into an entertaining form. Apparently, the game levels are an imitation of a space battle, in which the constant main characters of any arkanoid - the platform and the ball that bounces off it - play the role of either the main weapon of the fleet or some kind of invisible force that destroys the barrier , consisting of several multi-colored rows of blocks so that small ships flying from the bottom of the screen to the top can fly past this barrier (into enemy territory?). Much larger ships fly out from behind this barrier - apparently enemy ones. They do not attack the platform, nor do small ships, but they also score points for destroying them. You can destroy them both by well-aimed pushes of the ball, and by collisions of the platform with them, but in the latter case, the “life” of the platform is reduced (however, it has a sufficient reserve). As in almost any arkanoid, when some blocks are broken, bonuses are given, sometimes useful, sometimes harmful. Already at the first level, you will encounter plenty of bonuses in the form of funny fast-flying bombs, which it is advisable for our platform not to encounter. The level is considered completed after all the blocks on it are destroyed; Each subsequent level is more difficult than the previous one. You can lose the ball (that is, allow it to fly off the bottom of the screen without colliding with the platform) only twice; on the third, the game will be considered lost, and the level will have to be replayed again (the same thing if you lose the platform). The game is distinguished by unusually high-quality graphics for the subgenre (suffice it to say that even the details of the hull of the ships are drawn large and clearly), as well as unusually pleasant music, although perhaps not entirely suitable for the action unfolding on the screen: it is calm and peaceful here. All control is carried out with the mouse, the gameplay itself cannot be called particularly complex, but there is a certain dynamics. In general, it is a very curious and very pleasant-looking arkanoid, which, as well as its enormous rarity, makes this thing a valuable item for fans of this trend in games.
Full Demo 11MB (uploaded by MyAbandonware)
ISO Demo (provided by starlord & upped by Scaryfun) 33MB

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