Backrooms: Escape Together Triiodide Studios 2022

Early Access Release: This is a 1-6 player coop horror experience. You are at the mercy of the entities lurking and must do whatever it takes to survive while completing each level's objectives. Multiple new levels will be added each month as we develop the true Backrooms experience. As a team of researchers, you are sent into the Backrooms to gather more info on the liminal labyrinth. However, after completing your research duties, an elevator malfunction sends you plummeting into the heart of the most dangerous levels, leaving you with the only objective of escape and survival. In the current version of the game, you can play Levels 0, 1, 2, 4, and 5, each one offering its own unique challenges, objectives, and stunning environments. In Level 0 for example, you and your team are tasked with various research objectives. These can include recording entities and landmarks, gathering data on the backrooms, and collecting VHS tapes for evidence. Built in Unreal Engine 5, Backrooms: Escape Together will be the first to truly capture the essence of the Backrooms. Levels will be procedurally generated, dynamically lit with stunning quality, and packed with detail. Levels will be added constantly through early access as we grow the game into the true Backrooms experience. Horrifying Immersion - Next-gen graphics, procedurally generated levels, handcrafted sound, and gameplay built to immerse the player will make you feel as if you are really a lost wander, stuck in the Backrooms. Multiplayer: Enter the Backrooms alone or team up with 5 others for a total of 6 player co-op; Proximity voice chat; Players can join and host lobbies; Each player must find an escape or die trying. Procedural Generation - Using advanced algorithms, every level is procedurally generated and completely random. Each level will also harbor multiple unique random events that will add caveats to each play-through. Every experience will be different offering endless replayability.
Download: None currently available

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