Moonbase Lambda Thunderfox Studio 2023

Take the role of a detective from Tokyo who tries to solve the mysterious case of the disappearance of a young camper. You will try to follow the trail of evidence to guide you through an enigmatic and paranormal case connected with a Japanese urban legend. Can you help until the end? The era of interplanetary travel has arrived in the vast expanse of space. As an advanced outpost for terraforming, there existed the Moonbase Lambda. One day, the player awakens from a cryogenic sleep only to be greeted by the eerie silence of Lambda Base. Despite the confusion, the player begins to explore the base in order to survive... This is a horror survival game which you have to escape from a procedurally-generated maze. The premise of the game is that an unidentified creature breaks into the moonbase, which leaves you no choice but to survive and escape from it. Features: 3D graphics with a classic-style dithering effect applied; With a first-person perspective and restricted visual elements, it presents an unique horror-esque experience; A procedurally generated maze with a different layout in each playthrough.
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