Mecanoid II Sybex 1998

You are at the bottom of the screen in a spaceship, and you fight enemy hordes which attack with ships and missiles, until the Boss comes to face you, all 12 tables. You have a destructive ball which bounces on the frame of bricks which constitute the enemy shield. And the ball returns like a tennis ball, gaining speed with each bounce, especially on the smooth surfaces of the corridor of the playing area. And your racket (ship) moves thanks to your mouse, from left to right and from right to left. The architecture of the tables changes each time, with elements of difficulty which weigh more and more on the gameplay: locks activate openings, narrow passages with an impossible angle discourage the most stubborn in favor of those who seek to refine the winning move. Bonuses fall from certain destroyed bricks: blue involves an lengthening of the racket or, on the contrary, its shortening. Another features the glue effect: the ball sticks to your racket until you release it with a press of the mouse button, looking for the right angle. Red bonuses give you various weapons, steel balls, missiles. The yellow bonuses slow down the speed, the green ones give an extra ball (for a multi-ball sequence, or an extra-life (the three starting lives are quickly insufficient. The icing on the cake is the purple bonus, ultra rare, which can provide a barrier of fire to destroy all enemy aircraft, or a free pass to automatically complete the table. Warning: when you collect a bonus, the power of the previous one (except additional lives) increases cancels: so think carefully before throwing yourself at the blue brick which will shorten your racket while you benefit from a powerful cannon or destructive balls of fire. The enemies harass you using missiles and mines which have the power to influence the trajectory of your ball. The ships hit you and make you deviate, the green bombs have a magnetic field which deflects the ball: it's great art. If the first opus had 88 levels, this one here there are 60 but at a particularly high level (the 40th is diabolical). Saves are automatic, and you can also play with two people on the same screen. There is a level editor which allows you to invent the part that best suits you.
Full Demo 15MB (uploaded by
ISO Demo (provided by starlord & upped by Scaryfun) 16MB

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