Robotragedy I + II PPA Entertainment 2005

This series of two games are free AGS adventures. Robotragedy - The game follows the exploits of a floating robot named Toby X, who is smitten with a famous robot actress named Robotinna. Robotinna has been kidnapped, and Toby is determined to rescue her. The plot moves forward in stages, with different areas accessible at certain times, and with changing goals as the game progresses. Toby begins the game trapped in a room in his spaceship home, and his aim is to escape the room in order to watch his favourite TV show. From here onwards the plot becomes confusing — Toby decides to visit another planet, Quoid, to try to find Robotinna, although quite why he chooses to go there is uncertain. Robotragedy 2: Countdown To Doomsday (released 2006) This time, the metallic hero is tracking down five pieces of an amulet to stop the dark lord Nazgu Bain, who has escaped his imprisonment in a black hole at the edge of the universe. Robotragedy 2 offers the same attractive, Day of the Tentacle-esque graphics as the first game. Unfortunately, the English translation still suffers from the same problems as well. Players who found the first game too hard should breathe a sigh of relief that the puzzles have been made a bit easier this time around.
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Free Games #1 ~14MB #2 ~39MB (uploaded by Adventure Game Studio)
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