Extreme PaintBrawl 4 HeadGames / Activision 2002

Considering this is one of the worst game series ever, let's hope that this was the final one. After having changed the title of the last paintball game in the shooter series to Ultimate Paintball Challenge, this one resumed the infamous Extreme Paintbrawl title. In tournament mode you start with $1500 to recruit your team and equip them with guns (aka "markers" in paintball terminology), ammo, and cool shirts. As you progress through the game and win more matches, you can buy bigger and better guns and upgrade your teammates' stats. This new feature does add a bit of an RPG element to the paintball experience, but it certainly can't save this title. This game has 12 dull-looking levels ranging from a snowy winterscape to a theatre to an abandoned prison, only 1 character model for you and your enemies. It has dull in-game sound effects which it tries to hide with a loud electric guitar music score. Game types include capture the flag, eliminate, gauntlet, and center flag (which is CTF with one flag in the middle). AI is as bad as in previous games and should be called A.R. for Artificial Retardation. Also, in tournament mode, you have no way to order your computer teammates, they just act on their own.
Full Demo ~66MB (upped by Scaryfun)
ISO Demo ~125MB (uploaded by Scaryfun)

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