Todesangst 1 & 2 1998
The first in this series has a plot-twisting story deriving from Half-Life, a well-coordinated and entertaining ending, and thoughtfully executed gameplay. Intriguing cutscenes meaningfully convey the story and draw it all to a grand finale (respectively). In between is an experience that condenses almost all of the best parts of Half-Life. The situational puzzles are clear enough so as to not need the walkthrough, enemy placement is devious, and the scripted sequences sprinkled around keep the adrenaline high. In the sequel, the scope of Todesangst 2: der echte Feind, in comparison to the original is much greater. While the original TC was essentially a map pack for Half-Life, T2DEF is a full-blown modification, including new weapons, enemies, music, customized voice acting, and a lot of new code that allows for some pretty neat tricks (such as mp3 support, fog, and some cool camera systems that you will get a chance to use). This time instead of making a map pack alone, Daryn "Peppyfool" Waite has both expanded his capabilities and added a supporting team to help build T2DEF into the full mod that it is. It's a lot of fun to play, and is certainly one of the very best Half-Life packs to come out recently. After a well-done opening sequence, you are treated to a fairly long game in T2DEF, full of well-designed maps. Architecture is solid throughout, and the overall pack is well laid out and flows very well as a whole (with the noted exception of the cutscenes). The mod itself is divided into three distinct episodes which lead you to varied locales with varied objectives, which are typically explained in the cutscenes. In Sep/2021, Todesangst Remod and Todesangst 2 Remod wee released that included revised hd models and textures.
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Downloads: Episode#1-2 13MB+74MB
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Todesangst 1 Remod + 2 Remod 580+628MB (uploaded by ModDB)
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