Apare Usapie! Sorafune Atelier 2015

This is the purest form of kusoge. You can shoot both vertical and horizontal. For pointblanking the horizontal shot does more damage since it fires more shots than the vertical one. Bombs kind of have a chain reaction thing going on where if you hit an enemy with it, it explodes into a bunch of stars and the stars in turn make enemies it touches explode into stars as well. There is a health system in this game. Bombing takes a tiny chunk of the health bar while taking a hit removes a huge amount of it. You can regain health by collecting heart items by killing enemies with the normal shot. If your health gets low enough to trigger the red border your firepower gets increased. None of the enemies seem to have a hitbox themselves. Probably the weirdest thing about this game is that it's actually not terribly designed for the most part.
Free Game v1.5.1 42MB (uploaded by Official Site)

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