DoDonPachi Daiueiku Guan 2014

Sometimes known as Touhoupachi Daifukkatsu, this is a vertically scrolling shooter developed by a Chinese indie developer. The player takes on the role of Reimu Hakurei facing fairy soldiers and a race of mechanized aliens as the bosses. It features a scoring mechanic similar to original DonPachi. When the player destroys large groups or chains of enemies in a short period of time, the player can build up a combo. The player receives an increasing number of points with every destroyed enemy. The player can choose one of three weapon styles which mimics DoDonPachi DaiFukkatsu's; Shot, Laser and Hyper. Reimu has a main forward-firing gun used by tapping the shot buttons. If the fire button is held down, the floating guns combine to produce a powerful vertical beam, but also makes the character move more slowly. Reimu also has a limited number of bombs and a temporary aura which produce another version of the primary weapon.
Full Demo 88MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

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