Xeno Fighters R Team XF 2020

This shmup fangame is inspired by the Raiden Fighters series by Seibu Kaihatsu. The game has four original ships: the Amada Vipros, the Phyxius, the Zaiva, and the Xelcor. It also features guest fighters from other shoot 'em up games by Psikyo, Capcom, Konami, and others. There are 20 stages to play in the game with four different game modes to select from. The story involves BRES, a group of humans subverted by the hostile Keto. BRES and the Keto extraterrestrials attack ATHENA through various periods in Earth's war history, using the wars as cover to their operations to destroy the Earth. The guest fighters do not have any connection to the story.
Free Game v0.298a 194MB (uploaded by Xeno Fighters R Wiki)

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