Trax: The Robot Wars Mark Skeeky / Crystal Interactive Software Inc. 2000

This is an advanced game of bumper cars. You control a car in an arena with 1-3 opponent cars controlled by the computer or other humans where an all-out competition ensues to be the last car in the arena. A car loses when it is pushed out of the ring, sustains too much damage, or encounters other hazards in particular arenas. Prize money is awarded for achieving various goals and this can be used towards assorted offensive or defensive upgrades. There are 3 play modes: The first mode is the single player Ascent mode where the player battles their way up through 11 one-on-one arena battles. The Battle mode pits up to 4 players against each other. Each player is given $5000 at the start of the competition to spend on upgrades (even the computer players get to upgrade their cars). The Battle mode is played a certain number of rounds, configurable in the game options. The final mode is Tournament, similar to Battle except that the players play 3 rounds and then take a break to spend their prize money upgrading their cars. This also includes the games Roton and Martian Rover Lander. Choose from 11 different robot designs in 11 different arenas to do battle with opponents armed with saws, hammers, spikes, drills, and more.
ISO Demo 165MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)

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