Super People Wonder People 2022

Early Access Release This is a battle royale shooter that will revolutionize how you think about the genre. Take control of a super-soldier, each with their own unique skills and special abilities. Battle it out with other players and survive until you are the last player or squad standing. Make your character stronger in various ways as the game progresses. Special abilities and ultimate skills are activated as your character reaches full strength. Every match offers an opportunity to for different strategy and various skill paths to get stronger. At height of your power, unlock an ultimate skill that offers the most powerful ability available. Experience the thrill and excitement of turning the tide of the match in an instant. Acquire materials throughout the map. Craft them into firearms and other higher-grade gears. This offers a more fun and hands-on approach when it comes to farming, and will make you more engaged during the final stretch of most matches. On Dec 12, the title was renamed as Super People 2 due to massive changes such as: game modes reduced to solos and trios; previous max level of 27 has been reduced by more than half to level 12 and all characters start at level 3; A unique class system has also been simplified to three skills and one ultimate per class; Ultimate skills also power with character leveling; To help players jumping into the game for the first time, equipment crafting and class-specialized weapons have been removed completely. Starting with three ready-to-use skills allows for a quicker buildup and fast, early game battles. This change allows players to focus solely on the battle and survival. On Aug 21/2023, the game was shut down.
Download: None currently available

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