Aggressor Flashpoint Studios 2021

Early Access Release This is a flashy air combat shooter with simple destruction physics. Fly the greatest planes of the cold war and bring down the enemy with an arsenal of unique weaponry, ranging from gunpods to bombs and air-to-air missiles. It's all about defeating the enemy and watching them go down in a blaze of glory. The player progresses by completing missions and destroying enemy aircraft. For those interested in instant-action, there is an instant dogfight gamemode in which you can configure your own battles. Currently the game features 30 player-flyable aircraft, mostly classic cold-war era fighters but also many lesser known prototypes and fictional planes with unique flight controls. It is important to know that some of the aircraft are still out of reach/too expensive with the current total number of missions simply not providing enough cash to purchase these. This will get solved soon as the campaign gets expanded, and more importantly, new game modes are added. The game is set around the cold war time period, and features aircraft/weapons from that era. By completing missions, new weapons can be unlocked and equipped. A wide variety of weapons are available in a tech tree. From gunpods to bombs to air-to-air missiles, there are lots of ways to defeat your opponents in spectacular fashion. Flying in this game starts out relatively easy, but gradually gets more difficult as you unlock faster and more manoeuverable/unstable aircraft. Aircraft are best flown using a joystick or mouse control. Since mouse flight does not work with orbit camera rotation, there are bindings available in the controls panel for keyboard control if one prefers that. From my experience, keyboard controls are the easiest to pick up. Once you develop a feel for the handling, you can move to mouse controls for more precise flight, giving you an edge in competitive situations. Currently there are only 6 missions, 4 of which are part of the training campaign. The controls are difficult and can be somewhat problematic, especially if one is used to arcade flying and not in posession of a joystick. Although the visuals looks basic, aircraft physics are simulated to a moderate degree. Especially the mouse control scheme is hard to master. I strongly recommend you to use a joystick.
Download: None currently available

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