Bardia [Pe] Mahad Resaneh Game Studio 2019

The game takes place during the last days of the Achaemenid rule and the reign of Darius III and simultaneously with the invasion of Iran by Alexander the Great. The story of the game narrates the situation of the Achaemenid court and a hard war and the loss of commanders such as Aryo Barzan and the brave soldiers of the Iranian army against the Macedonians. Berdia is a brave and courageous teenager who is an expert in warfare who defends the country in the war against the Macedonians. The player in this game is present in the role of Berdia. It's in the style of action-adventure with a historical and fascinating story and narrative. Most of the story, which is also based on historical narratives, is narrated with the help of cinematics and other parts in the gameplay. In addition to fighting enemies using weapons such as swords, shields, arrows, hooks and special auxiliary forces - which of course will increase in level during the game - will also challenge environmental puzzles. Features: Historical and fascinating story; Attractive cinematics; Utilizing combat and action style mechanics; Ability to upgrade weapons by progressing in the game of attractive environmental puzzles.
Download: None currently available

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