Pat Shooter Benjamin Soule 2016

This is a small shooter made with the early version of Pico-8. You play as a tiny space ship that has to destroy many waves of enemies for an ever high score or you'll end up dying and having to start all over again. It's your typical top down scrolling blaster game with enemy waves appearing from both above and below. It is also a very difficult game requiring fast reaction times as when the bullets starting flying in all directions, you've got to avoid them or be wiped out and your only life is lost. Thankfully you have not just rapid firing lasers but homing missiles, that when fired really make the game that much more forgiving. But just keep an eye on how many you use though as they will need to be re-charged. Features: fire with Z; launch all missiles with X; missiles recover with time; missile deal double damage on non-shielded targets. It was later modded by Jordan Kloosterman as Pat Shooter PJ with these changes: Made the player ship have more than 1 life and have a shield; Made shooting toggle and when you aren't shooting the energy is stored to either recharge a shield or fire a lot at once; Changed the player ships starting position to the center of the screen so it's more intuitive that you can move in all directions.
Browser-Playable Free Pico-8 Game (uploaded by Official Site)
Pat Shooter PJ - Browser-Playable Free Pico-8 Game (uploaded by

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