Remnants of R'lyeh Darktree Game 2024

Release Date: TBA This is a Classic Horror Survival game inspired by H.P.Lovecraft's Great Work. An ancient dark power is calling you and you need to find an exit... Face your greatest fear, fight, hide... you must escape before the underwater city rises. “How can one be alive but dead at the same time? It is a mound of flesh, decaying and putrid yet crawling with worms and arthropods. It is a sanctuary for fish in a ship sunken lower than the abyssal depths. It is an abandoned castle, overfilled with dancing shadows. There is no true release in death. All of the living will have to pay for their gift once their time is over. And those who never lived will be awakened from their eternal slumber...” It features a unique underwater environment for players to explore with an immersive atmosphere. My intention is to simulate a terrifying underwater situation. Currently working hard on adjusting the underwater controller and designing underwater sound effects, underwater weapon effects, etc. just for a better gameplay experience. Combat System - there are plenty of choices for weapons (pistol, knife, rifle, shogun, and more) on this journey. Also, the game features a unique underwater weapon system. You will get the Deepsea ancient tech weapon to defeat terrifying enemies. Puzzle and Combat are two main factors during the whole gameplay experience. Some entertaining Lovecraft-Themed puzzles can help players get to know more about the dark secrets also have fun. The purpose is always letting players enjoy solving the puzzles not getting stuck. These are important for me during the development process to keep adjusting the difficulty of puzzles. Terrifying Creatures - it features unique Lovecraft monsters that will put players in danger. Flying bugs, beasts, "humans", deep ones are all based on Cthulhu Mythos. Get ready to fight monsters lurking in the dark and face a world of madness.
Steam Level Demo (uploaded by Steam)
Cthulhu: Death Escape - Free Steam Prototype (uploaded by Steam)

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