Silent Ship, The [Pe] The Future Land Studio / West Game 2009

This is a survival horror/fps game set on a ship made with FPS Creator. The main character of the game is an amateur historian who travels from Tehran to Kish to complete his research on Iranian culture throughout history. Upon arrival on Kish Island, he decides to visit a shipwrecked Greek ship and spends the night with his small belongings. To investigate, he enters the ship and encounters various scenes and events on this way. After this incident, he finds a suspicious underground passage to the depths of the water. The depth of this staircase was such that it reaches the underwater installation complex. Strange ancient history, strange everything, makes the character of the game for this action to put an end to this story and the resulting events. Features: fully supports only DX10 and Windows Vista; Shipwreck title in this version has new capabilities for AI or artificial intelligence of enemies; Full support for XBOX 360 controller on PC; Multiplayer mode support (future details); Ability to swim for the character in the water; Explosion and fire in a completely realistic way.
Persian ISO Demo 585MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)

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