Wolfgun sodaraptor, doktore, ragnaroksixx 2021

Lights, camera, BANG. You are WOLFGUN - an ornery, rage-filled werewolf on the set of a bad horror movie. Hordes of undead ghouls wielding knives have broken into the studio and want you dead, and it doesn't look like they're part of the crew. You were already annoyed having to do this lousy job, but now you're pissed. Trudge your way through the creepy haunted set and studio back alleys, blast your way through waves of vicious minions, and keep your bloodlust at its peak by collecting the BEAST ENERGY cans scattered around. While you're at it, pocket enough shiny gems and maybe you'll even be able to buy yourself a nice upgrade or two from the alluring shopkeeper's cache of goodies... Whatever it takes, stay alive, and stay angry. You are WOLFGUN. This is a project that was developed in ~72 hours for Ludum Dare 49 by three people.
Browser-Playable/Downloadable Free Game v0.4 37MB (uploaded by Itch.io)

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