Mass-Produced Ultimate Weapon Dotechin JMG 2007

A side-scrolling shooting game that kills a large number of enemies while accelerating. It attempts to fill the entire screen with destructible objects instead of the usual hail of bullets present in most modern day shmups. Your robot is equipped with some decent firepower so it isn't particularly difficult to make it from one stage to the other. Use the space key to skip cutscenes, tap the X key to shoot and press the shift key for a temporary boost. The Z key can be used to initiate a special attack, possible only when the smaller blue gauge at the top of the screen is full. The F1 function key can be used to pause the game. Select the second option from the main menu to start playing. If you lose, a continue option will appear as the first choice although progress is not saved when you exit the program.
Free Game 10MB (uploaded by Vector)

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