Undercrewed David Strachan, Dex Cimino 2019

Early Access Release Grab your friends and build and fly your own customizable spaceship. With local and online co-op customize your spacecraft with a wide variety of components, you must work together to figure out the best way to survive your journey. You are the last 4 survivors on your spacecraft. Do you have the teamwork required to complete your missions while traversing perilous space? Run into a room activate it, steering as you go to fight off enemies and protect your ship. Online and local coop means you can easily play with your friends no matter where they are. In this game you must make real time decisions and prioritize your efforts to help your team, fans of FTL / Lovers in Dangerous Spacetime / Galaxy Trucker / Space Cadets / Artemis will enjoy this. Features: Play the whole campaign up to four player co-op seamlessly through Steam; Mix and match local and online players together; Fine tune your ship by customizing the rooms; Operate the onboard systems of your ship from laser guns to shields, holomedics, repair drones and missiles; Encounter exciting new events throughout your missions; experience poisonous gas leaks, collecting escape pods, intruders on board and many more; Taking on roles is up to you do you want to put on the captains hat and lead the team, do you see yourself as a top pilot or just get on those guns and blast your way through. With so many ship layouts to choose from you can customize a ship to suit your play style and what you take will change how you and team play. Make the tough decision on how many rooms to dedicate to guns or defenses or if you want the flexibility to deal with every situation, choosing what rooms to take and where they are on the ship is all up to you. It's a tough decision having to pick if you want to have a spaceship with good stats or use a ship with lots of slots to place modules or even have a ship with a convenient layout where it is easy to get between different locations. Play with your friends online is easy with Steam’s invite system, there is keyboard and controller support for multiple people playing on the same computer and best of all you can even mix and match both. We love gamepads but we know not everyone has one, if you fancy getting much closer to your friends everyone can play on the same keyboard. The whole campaign is designed to be played with your friends so any combination of keyboard, controllers and online play work. If you don’t have enough people for a full crew our super smart bots can fill in the missing slots, even allowing you to play everything single player if you fancy a real challenge. Each player receives skill points that purchase new modules that can be installed onto the ship. There is one huge tree of unlockable content so coordinating with your team to most efficiently cover the skill tree will benefit everyone. This vast circular skill tree allows you to specialize while still staying flexible. A crew member focusing on weapons might choose to change their path and develop expertise in shields while retaining their progress.
Full Demo 482MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

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