Resident Evil: Grim Beginnings Diabolic Hunt 2022

This is an unfinished, yet fully playable, solo developed, Game Boy demake of the original Resident Evil. The game was developed over an extended stay when I was stranded across seas during the height of the Pandemic. Not knowing when the flight embargo were going to be lifted, I worked on this project as a way to keep myself sane and creatively engaged. What started as a simple toy-around with the GB Studio seeing if I could recreate a room or two with some zombies slowly expanded into an attempt to fully recreate the original game. But, the flight embargo lifted as the game was only 90% complete, life got in the way and I never got around to finishing up the rest. It has been sitting on a shelf collecting dust for the past year and a half, which never sat right with me. I decided to release the game as it currently stands and offer some comments down below explaining all that is missing, glitched or otherwise. I recommend playing the game via the downloaded ROM file on a Game Boy emulator rather than playing the the browser. The ROM version is a newer version of the game and has some bug fixes and some additional content. The files I have for the game have become corrupted so I cannot upload the newer version of the game to be played in browser, unfortunately. The main thing that you will notice about the game is that there is no background music or sound effects for the vast majority of the game. This was to be the last thing I incorporated into the game but I did not get a chance to complete it. The game is faithful to the original but I did infuse this version with my own irreverent humor and selected to alter things to make the tone more comical. The game covers the first mansion segment of the original game and ends when you have collected all the mansion masks. The Merchant offers all the mansion keys if you wanted to explore the mansion without limits. You can only play as Jill (costume switching available). You can only use the handgun (additional weapons was ambitious for me). The game was developed with an early build of GB Studio where limited colors were available. I would have used more than two colors if it were possible. Zombies do not move outside of combat due to software limitations at the time of development.
Browser-Playable/Downloadable Gameboy Rom - Free Game 1MB (uploaded by

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