CyberBlocker Complete Edition KT Software 2022

A block breaker + shooter game. The player's ship can always fire a shot, so combined with power-ups, it is an offensive block breaker. The player can move freely within the screen, eliminating the frustration of conventional block breakers such as not being able to break the one remaining block. The various boss battles that appear in each of the five stages are also a highlight. There is also a score attack mode called "Challenge Mode. CyberBlocker was originally developed for the Nintendo Switch software, smile basic4. The game has been ported as a Complete Edition with additional stages, additional aircraft, a challenge mode, etc., and enhanced graphics. A world where science and technology have become dramatically advanced.AI technology has progressed remarkably, and the developed AI called itself the Messiah and declared war against mankind. The use of any AI technology was banned. Miraculously preserved in a stand-alone state, the Cyber Blocker, a reflective bomber equipped with combat-support AI, makes full use of it to launch a sortie with the last hope of mankind on board. This is a block breaker with a gauge type power-up system. You can acquire power-up capsules and use various power-ups to advance the game to your advantage. The faster the ball speed, the higher the score. Aim for a high score. The difficulty level changes depending on the machine you select.
Steam Level Demo (uploaded by Steam)

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