Hunting Alex-Jim 1997

This a Russian amateur virtual shooting range for DOS with great graphics. According to the intro, a horde of rabbits flew to Earth on a flying saucer, which will become legitimate targets in Hunting. Panoramic view from the first person, five types of weapons (including a flamethrower and a rocket launcher) and a green lawn, on which rabbits enter exactly one at a time. The goal is simple - kill as many as possible. The player runs out of ammo, and quite quickly, while sometimes they are allowed to pick up. If this is not done, and all the "trunks" are at zero, the game ends and the result is summed up, which can get into the table of records. Rabbits either simply stand on their hind legs, or move by jumping left and right. The first two weapons, the pistol and the double-barreled shotgun, cannot reach the animals while they are jumping, while the rest are still vulnerable to them. Very high-quality and bright drawing with individual animation of the death of a rabbit for each type of weapon is combined with pleasant melodies, of which there are several. But at the same time, players must be warned that the level of cruelty here is quite high, so Hunting will not be acceptable for everyone.
Free Game 496kb (uploaded by

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