Xenoform Panic Ensues Software 2016

On a recently-terraformed planet at the edge of human space, waves of alien invaders have suddenly appeared. Take the pilot's seat of a VTOL fighter aircraft and wipe out the alien infection. On a recently-terraformed planet at the edge of human space, waves of alien invaders have suddenly appeared. Their spores are infecting the environment, changing it to their ecology. In a desperate move, the planetary government has pressed you into service, shoving you into the pilot's seat of a general-purpose VTOL fighter aircraft as a last-ditch effort to halt the alien take-over. Learn to fly your jet fighter and cleanse the alien infestation from a series of island chains. Upgrade your aircraft with new weapons and technology. Hone your piloting skills against increasingly dangerous enemies. Features: Single-player campaign with 20 levels; Upgrade your ship with a wide array of new weapons and technologies; Replay any previous level at any time; Use the Simulator to hone your flying and combat skills.
Full Demo 90MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

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