Zortch Mutantleg 2023

Meet Zortch Maxinum: short order cook, amateur engineer and professional slacker; Bored and tired of her day job she decides to go on a holiday but alas she picks a cheap option: turns out it's a scheme by aliens who capture humans to eat their brains. Also this game is a sci-fi horror comedy fps. Zortch Maxinum is a professional slacker who finds herself captured by aliens after falling for their fake holiday scheme - now she must escape their planet or become a light snack. Lucky for her there is a mysterious voice helping her along the way. Features: Custom engine that runs well on low-spec machines; Combat heavy gameplay; 6 difficulty modes - from very easy to extreme; 9 guns + kicking (grenade launcher, tnt, tripmine, plasma pistol, a double barreled shotgun and a bizarre living lightning gun); 15 levels; 5 boss levels; 30+ enemy types (giant green brainsucking aliens and their inventions and cronies: spider mines, lizards with rocket launchers, raptors, pudding like amoeboid pretending to be humanoid guards, and a giant 20 feet tall flatworm cyborg bounty hunter .. among others); powerups - portable medkit, invisibility; FOV slider; Letterbox mode; Custom violence mode: you can change blood to be confetti or ketchup; Feeble attempts at humor.
Prototype Demo 2b 90MB (uploaded by Itch.io)
Steam Level Demo (uploaded by Steam)

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