Earth Under Fire Marek Mauder 2006

This is a single player space shooter game originally created as entry for PGD Big Boss Competition 2006. It ended up on the third place. Since then it has been upgraded several times. It's A vertical scrolling space shooter with 3D graphics. You can upgrade your ship by picking up PickUp items. They contain better weapons, reactors and ammo chambers. There are also pickups that repair your hull, and replenish your energy and ammo reserves. You can always use older weapons (useful in some situations) but not older reactors and chambers (no point). Tips - Use secondary weapons a lot. Fire from primary weapons can destroy enemy secondary weapon projectiles - you can use this to shoot down enemy missiles or to destroy enemy primary fire by firing yours (Volcano cannon is best for this). There is no friendly fire - you cannot hurt you allies and they cannot hurt you. But ally projectiles that hit another ally are destroyed. Your allies can use PickUp items too. When you successfully complete some missions and exit the game (to menu or OS) a new item in main menu called Continue Saved Game will allow you to continue the campaign where you left it.
Free Beta v0.8b2 6.42MB (uploaded by Caiman)

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