Nimaiba Shaver Kapolab 2003

High-risk, high-return physical fitness STG. Bomb attack - If you take a certain amount of damage, you can ram you. The power of the body hit increases by the amount of damage. Explosion absorption - You can power up by hitting the explosion with your weapon. With the one-sided instigation of "GALAGNAT", the soldier selection battle began. Fighters were kidnapped from all over... Against unmanned weapons on the battlefield prepared for him... Against technology that could destroy any shield... He was all scattered. You can't prevent damage at all, so all you have to do is endure until you're defeated. What should I do with them... When such intense emotions reached their peak, there were people who succeeded in mental fusion with "GALAGNAT". And when I read the spirit of "GALAGNAT" backwards, I came up with a dangerous but only winning strategy. It doesn't end with just a spiritual fusion with "GALAGNAT". It won't end unless "GALAGNAT" is destroyed. By approaching right in front of you, you will challenge the battle. And for that... People created the fighter "NIMAIBASHAVER" by him. And "NIMAIBASHAVER" goes to the battlefield.
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